
Our Journey Towards B Corp Certification: Wleti's Commitment to Sustainability

Here at Wleti, nestled in the heart of London, we're not just crafting fashion; we're pioneering a revolution. Our journey towards B Corp certification is a testament to our commitment to redefining luxury through sustainability. This path, though not yet complete, is profoundly impactful, showcasing our dedication to social and environmental responsibility.

Our Vision for Change

Wleti, we've set our sights on merging fashion with sustainability. Our process towards B Corp certification isn't just about meeting standards; it's about setting new benchmarks in the UK's fashion industry. Here's how we're approaching this monumental task:

Sustainable Sourcing

We've transformed our supply chain. Based in the UK, we've adopted materials like organic cotton from local farms, recycled polyester, and innovative fabrics like our Eco Silk, made from recycled silk waste. This shift aims not only to reduce our environmental impact but also to support a circular economy within the UK and beyond.

Ethical Manufacturing

Our manufacturing process is evolving. We're partnering with ethical factories, many right here in the UK, known for fair labor practices. We ensure our workers receive living wages and work in safe conditions. This move is about building relationships, not just sourcing products, emphasizing local employment and community support.

Innovative Design

Design at Wleti is being reimagined with sustainability at its core. Each piece we create is designed for longevity, with an end-of-life plan that includes recycling or upcycling, pushing the boundaries of what fashion could be in the UK market.

Transparency and Community

Transparency is our hallmark. We share every collection's journey, from material to market, online, fostering a connection with our consumers based on trust. Additionally, we're initiating community programs where a portion of our profits supports educational initiatives in sustainability within the UK.

Our Certification Process

Our journey towards B Corp status involves undergoing the B Impact Assessment, a comprehensive evaluation of our performance across governance, workers, community, and environment. This process, while rigorous, is about more than just certification; it's about continuous improvement and setting an example for UK businesses.

The Impact of Our Journey

Even before certification, our commitment to becoming a B Corp has amplified our mission. By aligning with other like-minded businesses in the UK, we're not just preparing for certification but pushing for industry-wide change. Our products are becoming symbols of a new era in UK fashion where luxury is measured by ethical practices.

Looking Forward

Our story at Wleti, though still unfolding, serves as an inspiration and a guide for any UK brand looking to weave sustainability into its fabric. As we continue towards certification, our goal remains clear: to make sustainability synonymous with luxury, proving that in fashion, as in life, responsibility can be the ultimate luxury.

This narrative of our journey towards B Corp certification illustrates not just our brand's transformation but our role as a beacon for the UK fashion industry, showing that the path to sustainability, while challenging, is profoundly rewarding.